9 Major Causes of Bleeding Gum

In most cases, bleeding gums are symptoms of gum diseases. However, the condition may be a result of other health issues. Gums may bleed due to various reasons, which may be temporary or severe. If you notice unusual gum bleeding, visit a dentist for further checkups.
What Causes Bleeding Gum?
Pregnancy Gingivitis
Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause increased blood flow to the gums, making them sensitive to bacteria and plague. This makes the gums tender, which causes frequent gum bleeding. However, the bleeding associated with pregnancy gingivitis should clear up after childbirth. But before then, make regular dental visits here https://www.flowerdental.com/ and practice healthy oral hygiene.
Changed Flossing Routine
If you’ve never experienced bleeding gum and bleed after flossing, the bleeding is most likely caused by the action. The same case applies if you take some days off from flossing or increase the frequency, you may have bleeding gum. The condition is bound to stop after you get used to flossing. However, if bleeding continues, see a dentist.
New Toothbrush
A new toothbrush can cause bleeding gum. For instance, if you change from a soft bristle to a hard-bristled toothbrush, you can experience bleeding gum. It’s advisable to stick to soft-bristled toothbrushes because they are easy on gums.
Bleeding Disorders
People with bleeding disorders such as leukemia and hemophilia can have an increased chance of bleeding gums. Talk to your dentist to advise you on how to deal with the condition.
A blood-thinning medication is a common cause of bleeding gums. The medication reduces the blood’s ability to clot, making the patient prone to bleeding, including the gum line. Inform your dentist about the medication so that they consider that when treating your condition.
Gingivitis is one of the major causes of bleeding gum. It is the first stage of periodontal disease, which causes swelling, tenderness, and bleeding during brushing. This disease is caused by an overstayed plague on your teeth which acts as a breeding ground for bacteria. Ensure you practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly.
Poor Diet
A deficiency in vitamin C and K can cause bleeding gum. So, if you experience bleeding without the known cause, ask your doctor to check the levels of vitamin C, and K. Take foods rich in a vitamin such as citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, and lettuce, among others.
Tight Teeth Appliances
People who wear dentures may experience bleeding gum if it’s too tight. Talk to your orthodontist to ascertain the real cause of bleeding. If oral appliances are the cause, the dental specialist will create a fitting appliance.
Periodontitis is an advanced gingivitis disease. It is more severe than gingivitis because it affects the jawbone, gum, and other surrounding tissues. In severe cases, your teeth may loosen or fall out.
Most people overlook oral health, and they visit a dentist after experiencing pain. That shouldn’t be the case; maintain routine checkups. If you experience excess gum bleeding, don’t wait for the next checkup, but visit a dentist immediately.