What Is A Vasectomy, How Does It Work?

Have you and your wife decided to try out permanent contraceptive options? In that case, you must have come across the vasectomy procedure. But, how much do you actually know about this procedure, the risks and how it is done?
Well, before you think about having this procedure, it is important that you do your research. Check out the Sydney vasectomy services from Vasectomy Australia if you are interested to learn more, or you can do your own research online!
The vasectomy procedure can prevent unwanted pregnancies
The Vasectomy procedure
A vasectomy is considered as a simple and invasive procedure, and often times it is done in the doctor’s office, but it can also be done in a clinic or a hospitals. It is designed to make your semen sterile, thus it prevents unwanted pregnancies.
The small tubes inside your scrotum will be blocked or cut off, which will prevent the sperm to get into the semen and cause a pregnancy. This is a very quick procedure, usually it is done within 30 minutes, and in almost 100% of the cases, it will prevent a pregnancy.
Vasectomies are meant to be permanent, and often times they are irreversible. This is why you should consider whether you want to get a vasectomy or not, because if you want to have children in the future, it might be better to hold off the procedure until after.
How does a vasectomy work?
Microscopic cells that are found in your testicles are called spermatozoids, and they will get attached to the egg and cause a pregnancy. The sperm leaves your testicles through two tubes that are called vas deferens, and they get to the semen.
During the vasectomy, those tubes are cut and blocked, which prevents your sperm to get to the semen, and thus make you sterile. There are two methods of this procedure, one involves a scalpel and the other one is done without the scalpel. You can visit vasectomy Morayfield from Vasectomy Australia if you want to know more, or talk to your doctor.
Your performance and feeling will remain the same
Time is needed
After the vasectomy, you will experience some discomfort, bruising and redness, but often times the recovery will be painless. You can take some pain killers, but ask your doctor beforehand. After 3 days the pain should go away, and after 7 days you will be able to exercise and go back to your usual activities.
After two weeks you can become sexually active again, but only after about 3 months will the vasectomy actually start working. So make sure that you still use some form of contraceptive, before your sperm is completely gone, and you can check that with your doctor.
Final word
The most important thing is for you and your partner to know whether you really want this procedure or not. So, make sure to do your own research and schedule a consultation with a doctor and ask him or her anything about the procedure!