Things a Parent Must do if the Child Manifests Corona Virus Asthma Symptoms

The Corona virus pandemic has wrecked havoc in the lives of every person,more in some cases, less in the other, explicit in some cases whereas in some places the harmful impact is implicit. In case your child already suffers from breathing troubles like asthma then the problem ofCOVID-19 might add certain additional worries and concerns for you to deal with and you have to be constantly in touch with the Asthma doctor near me.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or what is referred as CDC,all those patients, from children to adults who have asthma are in much greater risk during this time. However it is needless to say that in comparison to adults, children are much more vulnerable to this virus and thus the danger is ten manifold more.
The Rising Concern for Asthmatic Children
Not only children with severe asthma but also the ones with moderate breathing problems must be extremely cautious about their health as this virus has the capability of affecting the respiratory tract, which would cause an asthma attack and possibly might lead to pneumonia as well as respiratory diseases according to the asthma specialist in Manchester.
Scientists are working day and night to find the characteristics and the way novel coronavirus is affecting our lives, and thus there is no hard data as of now to determine the credibility of this fact. However it is imperative that we understand that we are dealing with an evolving pandemic which is changing its face everyday and so children who have asthma should be more protected since Corona is known to affect the lungs more than any other organ.
As we all know, new vaccines are being developed for the prevention of contracting COVID-19, however it still isa disease that is very dangerous and infectious. Multiple research studies with special collaborations made with the asthma specialist doctor Manchester, are suggesting that until a concrete and full proof drug evolves people with respiratory problems, especially the children should take care of themselves much more than other children do not have such ailments.
Multiple local healthcare facilities, boasting of having at least one leading asthma specialist near me, are reporting daily that they are being swarmed by panic stricken parents of children with asthma, who are enquiring everyday about the course of action that would be right for their child in this given scenario. All of them must be informed that they would have to operate in adifferent way now. They would have to be extra particular about their child’s health and follow theasthma action plan meticulously without any possibility of a blip in order to keep their asthma under control.You must immediately contact your paediatrician and ask for your child’s personalised act action plan in order to safeguard his or her health.
The Required Course of Action
- Intravenoussteroids given systematically might prove successful as there are contra-indicated for the treatment of COVID-19 since it has the capability of increasing the shedding of SARS-CoV2. The inhaled steroids are also prescribed by the doctors so that yourchild’s asthma is kept under control during this pandemic.
- This kind of controller medication should never be stopped unless and until you have discussed with your child’s physician because stopping the usage of these drugs could put the child at risk of developing an asthma exacerbation.
- The problem is that previously these exacerbations would have been treated in a doctor’s clinic in complete safety however in today’s time there is no way apart from taking the child into the hospital or to the emergency room or urgent care facility which, needless to say will pose much higher threat of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus.Because of this, it is of utmost importance that as a parent you continue the usage of the controllers for your child which has been prescribed by the doctor which will not only reduce the chances of developing any kind of asthmatic exacerbationbut also will significantly reduce the amount of exposure that your child might have with the infected people.
- These prescription medications, like the rescue inhalers as well as the controllers must be refilled on time, without fail. You must always keep in touch with your healthcare provider for the necessary supply of these medications.
- Metered Dose Inhaler or MDI technique which is appropriate with spacer is imperative for making sure that your child’sairways and lungs are properly being delivered with the correct kind of medication.
Other Preventative Measures
Apart from these, you must make sure that you are doing everything that you can so that you are able to take care of your child in a proper way
Other preventative measuressuggested by a the best asthma specialist near me, you can take for your child right now include:
- As a parent you must make sure that your child is staying as far as possible from the asthma triggers like respiratory infections, outdoor air pollution, tobacco smoke, dust mites, mold as well as pets.
- You must teach your child to wash their hands quite often, whenever possible with either soap and water or a sanitizer that is alcohol based.
- You must avoid taking your child for unnecessary travelling.
- Do not take out your child into crowded places or in close proximity of people who are sick unless and until it is very important.
- To avoid a sick person can be difficult if the person is living inside your house. In such cases you must make sure that they are staying as much as away from the rest of the household in order to eliminate and reduce any kind of risk of this virus to spread inside your home.
- Always take the help of people who do not have asthma for your house disinfection and cleaning. While cleaning your house you must also take extra precaution about the disinfectants that you are using becausethere are some disinfectants which can cause an asthma attack, mostly in children.
- As we all know the common signs of COVID-19 are shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, coughas well as fever. Sore throat, diarrhoea, vomiting, loss of smell or taste and malaise are less common symptoms. The other forms of respiratory illnesses have also these kind of symptoms so it is very important for you to understand the difference between both of them and in case, you inspect the disease, you have to take action as soon as possible.
- American Academy of Pediatrics or AAP has suggested immediate administration of medications such as albuterol or levalbuterol in case your child manifests symptoms of either wheezing or coughing.
- Immediately rush your child to an emergency room for the administration of quick relief medication which is considered as the red zone of AAP for 9 to 10 hours or longer.
- If you child starts breathing extremely fast or hard and you see that even the quick relief medications are being unable to provide any kind of relief or in the case where that fingertips are turning blue you must rush immediately for medical help from children’s lung asthma and sleep specialists.
As a parent of a child with asthma you will always be imposed with additional responsibilities for your child and in this current horrific situation you have to ensure that all the above mentioned facts are kept in your mind while you are taking care of your child.