Getting Your Dental Office Ready for the New Year

Many dental offices are busier in December than at any other time of the year. After all, patients want to use their precious dental benefits before they go to waste on Dec. 31. It is important that you make the most of this time, but you also need to start looking ahead to the new year. Consider these ways to get your office ready for a fresh start in 2021.
Send Equipment for Repairs
Now is a great time to send instruments to be sharpened, order a high speed dental handpiece cartridge replacement or have units serviced. You want to start out the new year with equipment that is working in the most optimal state. You will likely have some time off during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, so you will want to use this break in seeing patients to your advantage.
Do a Deep Cleaning of the Office
While your staff is likely cleaning the office on a daily basis, it is important that you do a deep cleaning a few times a year. When there is a break from seeing patients, you may want to invest in a cleaning crew to get everything looking its best. This will help everyone be in a great state of mind when your business is back up and rolling in the new year.
Stock Up on Supplies
You do not want to come back to work on the first day in January only to find out that you are out of essential supplies. Make sure that your office is well stocked, and use this time to organize any closets that have gotten out of control. This will allow you to see what supplies you actually have!
Make it your resolution to have a great start to 2021 in your dental office, and work to keep that momentum going all year long.