Easy Home Cleaning Hacks Every Parent Should Know

It’s nothing new under the sun not to be able to find your floor and bed when you have toddlersinside the house – because it’s all hidden under a pile of toys, clothes, books, and grime that seems impossible to spade!
Here are some of our experts’ take on home cleaning, especially important for the ones who aretaking care of the house as a parent –
- Baby wipes are multipurpose
If you’re parenting a toddler, then baby wipes are something that you have in abundance (my son is 10, and I still have a bundle handy) – all thetime. Use these chemical-free cloth bits in handy to wipe out counters, tabletops, handles, andmirrors when you notice dust or stains.
- Permanent marker is not ‘permanent’ after all
If you have got permanent marker stains on your hardwood floor, simply dap toothpaste over them,and they’re gone. Also, scuff marks on hardwood floors can be scrubbed off with the help of a tennisball. Walls can be washed and lightly scrubbed if you have lighter hues on the wall.
- Sports means sweat and sweat means tough laundry
Remove sweat stains by wetting them in lemon juice and covering them up with a layer of salt. Rubfor a minute and voila, gone!
- Baking soda to beat crayon on the walls
Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and apply it on the crayon stains, and scrub with arough cloth or a sponge until it disappears.
- Magic formula for carpet spills
Mix up vinegar dish soap and salt to deal with carpet spills during your next home cleaning sesh!
- Dealing with vomits
If a kid throws up on the floor use tissues or cotton cloth and wipes it with a fragrant wet tissue, another tip is after wiping the vomit sprinkle some baking soda over the area, remainsto react with the powder and can now be easily sucked into a vacuum cleaner.
- The toys
Plastics go in the dishwasher, and stuffed animals go in the washing machine in your fortnightlyhome cleaning regime. Dirty toys and playmats are more often the culprits for vomits, motion sickness and mild fever.
- Ballpoint pen ink removal therapy
Favorite shirt/couch/bag is scribbled upon? Rubbing alcohol is the rescue.
- Having big baskets for stashes
Buy bigger baskets with lids and teach kids to wind up toys and book each time they are done with it, that way they learn to clean their own mess and there is less clutter for you weekly organizing trips around the house.
As much it is a delight to have kids around, having kids in the house is an inevitable call to scribbles, dirt, and piles of stuff you didn’t evenremember buying, but it’s just as much, and the smile of your baby is totally worth all of it. Makeyour days even more fun by these simple yet effective home cleaning tips and rescue techniques.