CBD Arousal Oil: How CBD can Spice Up Your Sex Life

CBD is on a steady rise and the world seems to be finally giving it the recognition it deserves. Over the past couple of years, numerous researches have been conducted by both pro-CBD and anti-CBD experts looking to get a better understanding of the compound and tap into more of its healing properties. There has been quite some resistance along the way and the FDA is yet to approve CBD-based products for most uses, but the compound seems to be entering the mainstream market nonetheless. Current uses of CBD oil include battling pain and inflammation, calming anxiety, improving sleep, and supporting gut health.
The list of CBD uses goes on and on, and one of the lesser known benefits is boosting sex drive. This article will give you useful insights into CBD for sex and how cannabidiol can change your sex life for good. Botinicam offers a range of CBD products, including CBD arousal oil. You can check their website for the whole catalogue and more information on CBD.
What is the connection between CBD and sex?
You may have seen those CBD-based pleasure enhancers displayed on an online store, and wondered if they can really back up all the talk in the blurb or even if science is in concurrence with what they claim. Well, there is a connection between sex drive and CBD, and it all makes sense once you understand how the endocannabinoid system (ECS) works.
The ECS is a system of endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and enzymes that aid in the production and breakdown of endocannabinoids. In the same way the nervous system has neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin as its chemical messengers, the ECS has endocannabinoids. Cannabinoid receptors are the recipients of the messages being ferried by the endocannabinoids. Together, these two components form a mega regulatory system whose job is to ensure specific physiological processes take place correctly.
In the absence of foreign chemicals such as CBD and HTC, the cannabinoid receptors are activated by natural cannabinoid-like elements produced by the body. The receptors are located in virtually every body organ, the female reproductive system included, and better sex is achieved as an indirect stimulation of the pain-reducing, muscle-relaxing, and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. Here is how it works:
1 It curbs pain
A great number of women experience pain during sex. This can leave a negative impact on their sex lives, as they are left anxious and set to associate intercourse with pain. Fortunately, there is a tested-and-tried solution in CBD lubricants. Applying special CBD oil onto a female’s genitals improves blood flow in the region and stimulates natural lubrication, making sex more enjoyable. CBD oil used this way can come in handy for women who have reached menopause and are struggling to lubricate naturally.
Rubbing CBD oil on female genitals has also been shown to reduce inflammation and raise one’s serotonin levels. This helps add pleasure in female orgasms while making them stronger.
2 It reduces anxiety
Just as CBD oil is useful in preventing anxiety and stress, it can come in handy in the bedroom as well. Regular use of CBD oil has been shown to prevent involved parties from thinking and worrying about sex and get them to relax and focus on the moment. One of the biggest impediments to good sex is the constant worry of potential underperformance. CBD takes your mind away from mood-killers and unnecessary worries and allows both you and your partner to let go. All this is brewed in the endocannabinoid system, as the receptors are activated to rid you of anxiety and nervousness before having sex.
3 It boosts one’s desire for sex
While taking CBD oil leads to both physical and mental relaxation, it can also make you want to have sex. This is great for you if you struggle to get in the mood for sex or it takes too long to happen.
Most cannabinoids are vasodilators, meaning when applied topically, they can dilate blood vessels, increasing the flow of fresh oxygenated blood in the treated area. It is believed that fresh oxygenated blood increases stimulation and arousal, which are the key ingredients for great sex.
4 It helps with erectile dysfunction (ED)
CBD helps with the regulation of the endocannabinoid system, and one of the spinoff effects of this is ridding the body of factors that may contribute to ED. It is worthwhile to note that one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction, particularly in men aged 40 years or older, is poor blood flow. Common culprits behind this condition are atherosclerosis and diabetes. CBD oil overrides all these effects and helps the user regain normal blood flow.
CBD offers the same experience as THC, but without the high
Smoking marijuana right before having sex to boost libido is something people have been doing for ages. However, for people who have children or are required to take intermittent drug tests, smoking may not be an option. Even getting high itself may not be advisable, meaning THC intake would not be feasible.
Luckily, THC’s cousin compound, CBD, has all the desirable effects for better sex, but without the psychoactive effects which can mess up with your concentration and throw you off track.
CBD comes in a range of forms, from capsules and tinctures to edibles and topicals. Topically applied CBD oil is the form most commonly used to improve sex drive and performance. Edibles and tinctures may be used too, but it all depends on the effect you want to achieve or the symptom you are treating.
By taking or applying small dosages of CBD, you can achieve a feeling of relaxation and rid yourself of anxiety and other distractions that may get in the way of great sex. As an added bonus, you won’t spend the next couple of hours sitting down waiting for the high to wear off.
Always talk to a CBD expert about your sexual struggles before making any purchase decisions. This will help you understand the underlying cause of your problem and purchase a product that fights it from the roots.