Knee Replacement Surgery: Know All Your Options

When your doctor advises you to go for a knee replacement surgery, it becomes your responsibility to know about your options and make a wise decision. A lot of factors are considered before you are suggested knee replacement. They include your age, lifestyle, and the gravity of the damage. However, the type of implant your surgeon will suggest you may also depend on his or her competence. That’s why it is important for you to do your due diligence and look for the best knee replacement in India instead of enrolling yourself just anywhere.
There are various knee implants available for you. They come in unique designs and fits. After clearly studying your damaged joint, your surgeon will suggest you to go with a particular type of implant. Every implant has its own benefits and harms which make it all the more important to have complete knowledge of every option you have.
Total knee replacement surgery is one of the most advantageous orthopaedic procedures. With great success rates and ease of operation, this procedure has become really popular among arthritis patients and rightfully so.
Before you go for a knee replacement surgery, it’s better to know all your options so that you can discuss everything in great detail with your surgeon and ask questions.
Knee Replacement Surgery
Also known as knee arthroplasty, knee replacement surgery is a procedure in which your damaged knee joint is resurfaced with the prosthesis. Both plastic and metal caps are used to cover the ends of the bone that constitute the knee joint.
There are two types of prosthesis – cemented and uncemented. While in cemented prosthesis, surgical cement is used, in the uncemented prosthesis, a porous surface is taken into consideration. Mostly, the cemented prosthesis is used in knee replacement surgeries. However, at times combination of both the types of prosthesis is also considered for better results.
As a patient, you need to be clear in your head about what kind of prosthesis your surgeon is using for your knee replacement procedure.
Not all arthritis patients require total knee replacement surgery; only the ones who have severely damaged their knee joints need it. In moderate cases, the kneecap may be retained. Everything depends on how critical your situation is. Your surgeon will explain to you beforehand whether or not you require knee replacement surgery. However, the understanding of both the procedures is important, so that nothing goes out of the line.
A well-trained and experienced surgeon will tell you everything in detail days before the surgery commences. This will give you ample time to think about your options.
At times, partial replacement surgery is also done. In this surgery, the components of your damaged knee are partially replaced.
Different types of implants used in knee replacement surgery
There are two types of implants used:
- Fixed-bearing : It consists of a stationary platform
- Mobile-bearing : It consists of a rotating metal base
For younger, obese and physically active people, mobile-bearing implants are recommended.
Some custom implants are also available. Your surgeon will recommend you the best customs implant as per your requirement.
Since now you are well acquainted with your options pertaining to knee replacement surgery, you must look for the hospitals that offer the best knee replacement surgery in Hyderabad or elsewhere in India for satisfactory results.